Arouet Foundation's

Fair Chance EMPLOYMENT Symposium

presented by


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Champions Luncheon 11AM – 1PM

Summit Breakouts 1PM – 4PM


Arizona Biltmore – Grand Ballroom, 2400 E Missouri Ave


‘Promote Fair Chance with Your Whole Chest’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The 2023 Symposium featured an informative panel discussion, moderated by Schwab, that included Pipeline AZ Senior Director Katie Belous, Honest Jobs CEO & Founder Harley Blakeman, VP of Criminal Justice Campaigns Elissa Johnson,...

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Expert Lineup for ‘How To’ Panel

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Local and national experts on inclusive hiring practices and the threat that our current labor shortage poses to the economy will engage in an in-depth conversation on Thursday, October 5, at Arouet’s Fair Chance...

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Why I Fight for ‘Fair Chances’ for All

Next month, I’ll be honored as a trailblazer in criminal justice reform by Arouet Foundation, a Phoenix-based nonprofit that’s doing incredible work to empower and transform the lives of formerly incarcerated women. In preparation for that event,...

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AZ Prisons Director Talks ‘Fair Chance’

If you missed Dr. Thornell's appearance on AZFamily's Politics Unplugged on Sunday, Sept. 17, view the interview on our YouTube channel. We're excited to have Dr. Thornell join us at the Arizona Biltmore for our signature event,...

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Intel VP to Keynote Symposium

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Stan Ball, a leading voice in the founding of the Second Chance Business Coalition, will be the keynote speaker for Arouet Foundation’s signature annual event—the 2023 Fair Chance Employment Symposium, presented by JPMorgan Chase...

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Fair Chance Q&A w/ Ken Oliver

Checkr Foundation Executive Director Ken Oliver talks with Arouet about our dire labor shortage, the daunting statistics around justice-system involvement in the U.S., and the immeasurable benefits that Fair Chance hiring practices can bring to businesses everywhere.

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Fair Chance Honorees Announced

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: On Thursday, October 5, Arouet Foundation will honor five trailblazers of the fair chance hiring movement when the community-based nonprofit hosts its 2023 Fair Chance Employment Symposium, sponsored by JPMorgan Chase & Co., at...

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Join Arouet and our community partners this fall for the 2024 Fair Chance Employment Symposium, an impactful event at the world-renowned Arizona Biltmore resort. Attendees will gain invaluable guidance about Fair Chance hiring practices from corporate leaders and policymakers that all businesses must have to become successful Fair Chance employers.

This year’s event will also be celebrating leaders of the Fair Chance Movement. These Fair Chance Champions are thought leaders in Arizona, helping us establish a Creative Workforce as the state’s 6th C. The day will feature powerful stories, testimonials, and presentations from experts and individuals with lived experience.

This incomparable, game-changing event also features:

  • Fair Chance educational materials from Arouet, including digital resources
  • Riveting panel discussions with Fair Chance policymakers, influencers & leaders with lived experience
  • First-rate Biltmore lunch and hospitality

Labor shortages are impacting businesses across the US. But rather than panic, many employers are addressing these shortages by hiring a largely untapped pool of talent while also improving public safety and their communities. And the talent is plentiful: 80 million+ people in America with a conviction or arrest history who only want a Fair Chance to succeed. 

In Arizona, our competitive advantage depends on removing the barriers to employment that justice-impacted people face. Those barriers include 45,000+ restrictions and conditions that formerly incarcerated people must maneuver after their release.

It’s time that we overcome Arizona’s increasingly burdensome corrections budget, to which we lose billions in lost tax revenue and other costs to the state, by finally giving everyone a Fair Chance.

Speakers & HONOREES

Arouet’s Fair Chance Employment Symposium proudly features bold thought leaders in inclusive hiring practices. 


Stan Ball

As an Intel VP, Stan has an extensive track record of community engagement. Through the Business Roundtable in Washington, DC., Stan implemented the strategy for creating and growing the Second Chance Business Coalition, an organization composed of 47 of America’s largest employers that’s designed to reduce barriers for justice-involved individuals seeking employment. Stan graduated Magna Cum Laude from both Baldwin-Wallace University with a Bachelor of Arts in Business and with his Juris Doctorate from Cleveland State University’s College of Law. Read our keynote announcement and learn more about Stan.

1:1 with Leah Farrington

Leah, who lives in Prescott, is a case manager at community-based mental health provider Polara Health. Leah’s journey is a testament to resilience and transformation. Post-incarceration, she has immersed herself in the field of mental health and is committed to earning her master’s degree in counseling and psychotherapy, with plans to become fully licensed and pursue a Ph.D. at ASU.


Alma Hernandez
AZ State Representative (LD3-Tucson)
Hernandez, currently pursuing her law degree, is the youngest woman ever elected to the Arizona House, where she is in her third term. As a teen, Hernandez was exposed to “the broken criminal justice system” and, today, is passionate about passing criminal justice reform legislation.
Elissa Johnson
VP, Criminal Justice Campaigns
A former supervising attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center and a graduate of Loyola University (Chicago) School of Law, Johnson now works for FWD to reduce incarceration and expand opportunities for people who have been impacted by the criminal justice system.
Ken Oliver
Executive Director, Checkr Foundation
After spending 24 years in the California state prison system, including 8 years in solitary confinement, Oliver was released in 2019. Since then, Oliver has cemented himself as an expert and leader on record clearance, talent development, DEIJ practices, change management, and public policy.
Steve Kaiser
President & Founder,
Arizona Prosperity Project
An Army veteran and Illinois native, Kaiser was a successful small business owner who proudly hired employees with a conviction history when he was elected to the Arizona House in 2020 and to the state Senate in 2022, where he sponsored criminal justice reform and workforce legislation.
Deanna Murphy
Vice President of Corporate Responsibility,
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
With 25+ years of banking experience with JPMC, Murphy’s work primarily supports nonprofits, thought leaders, and direct service providers helping those in low-income communities. Murphy is the Chair of the Arizona Community Reinvestment Collaborative and serves on the Arizona Housing Coalition committee.


11:00 AM
Registration Opens
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
Welcome remarks
11:30 AM
11:50 AM
Lunch is served
11:50 AM
12:05 PM
Honorees Presentation
12:05 PM
12:45 PM
Special Announcement
12:45 PM
12:50 PM
Call To Action & Closing
12:50 PM
1:00 PM
Refreshment Break
1:00 PM
1:20 PM
Breakout Sessions:
Seize the Opportunity: Building Your Fair Chance Hiring Program

Driving Success Through Fair Chance Employment
1:20 PM
2:40 PM
2:40 PM
2:50 PM
Concluding Presentation:
Future of Work: Trends & Where We Go From Here
2:50 PM
4:00 PM
4:00 PM

Purchase Seats

Join us for the Fair Chance Employment Symposium! 

Partner with us and learn how to successfully implement inclusive hiring policies that will open doors to a dedicated, loyal, and profitable workforce. The event will be attended by policy makers, thought leaders, and community influencers. Each of the below sponsorship levels come with 10 seats (a whole table) for guests of their choice.


• VIP Reception
• Preferred table placement
• Logo on Website
• Social Media and Mass Mail Push
• Logo on Program and Banner


• Preferred placement at event
• Logo on Website
• Social Media and Mass Mail Push
• Logo on Program and Banner


• Logo on Website
• Social Media & Mass Mail Push
• Logo on Program and Banner


• High impact programming
• Panel discussions with fair chance policy makers, lawmakers, and business leaders

Meet our sponsors

Presenting Sponsor

Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsor

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Copper Sponsor

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SRP Logo


Arizona Biltmore
2400 E Missouri Ave

Thursday, October 10th, 2024
11 AM to 4PM